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Leading Group Challenges Free Essays

The police officers arrest the offenders and charge the offender with the crime, and the court yester determines what sentence the offender should face, If the charges warrant a sentence. If the offender receives a sentence of Call or prison, the correctional faculties must guarantee the sentence occurs In a secure manner. Unfortunately, these criminal Justice agencies are not always working toward the same goals, which results in conflict. We will write a custom essay sample on Leading Group Challenges or any similar topic only for you Order Now The leaders of the agencies must take care of the conflict before the conflict is out of hand. An example of the type of conflict that may arise is police officers wanting to remove the offenders off the streets. The court system may want o give the offenders a chance at rehabilitation instead of prison time, even if the offender is a repeat offender. Situations like this cause conflict for the leaders of the criminal Justice agencies to handle. The court system, correctional facilities, and police give up a considerable amount of control with the responsibilities. Leadership among criminal Justice agencies must consider the control with Justice (Collaborative Justice, 2012). Criminal Justice agencies must work together Instead of against each other to handle the challenges with conflict and control. The agencies must be on the name page and working toward the same goals. The ultimate goal Is to rehabilitate offenders but at times there will be an offender who is not a candidate for rehabilitation. The agencies must work together to find the best solution for the offender, society, and for the different agencies involved (Collaborative Justice, 2012). Political Challenges Criminal Justice agencies handle political and legal challenges that take place inside as well as outside the criminal justice system. Criminal justice decision makers are chosen through appointment or election. Depending on the state, the Judges are either voted in by the people or the governor appoints who he or she wants as a judge. No matter how a person looks at it, either way Is political. The president of the united States appoints the federal Judges, and he or she Is verified by the Senate. The political process strongly persuades the Supreme Court of the united States (Dulled, 2012). Keeping politics out of the various criminal Justice agencies Is a must. These agencies have a job to do, which cannot happen if the politics are in the way of people, with that, the politics must stop. The United States has too many corrupt officials because he or she allowed politics to get in the way of doing the Job. There are politics in the police, prosecution, and corrections. For good things to happen with these agencies in the future, these agencies need to separate the politics from the Job and purpose of the Job (Dueling, 2012). The Police and Politics Politics does not have a direct effect on the daily routines and decisions of police officers but politics does determine how the police officers act and react during patrol. Police departments are run by some form of government, whether it is the city council, the mayor, the city manager, or the commissioner. These leaders make a change in the degree to which politics shape the police departments. Politics floods police departments in cities and towns that have a government that consists of a city council or a mayor making the decisions. Professional city managers make political involvement with the police departments less possible (Dueling, 2012). The Prosecution and Politics Political deliberations sway prosecutors in an exact way. Most states elect the prosecutors, and the prosecutors are caught up in the local politics. In the federal courts, the attorneys for the United States are appointed politically and are likely to outwork his or her career goals to the wants of his or her own political affiliation. The federal and state prosecutors frequently use his or her headquarters as a launch pad for a higher political office. Infrequently, a dishonest prosecutor will take advantage of his or her power by way of engaging in political actions of pressing outrageous charges against his or her enemies (Law. ]rank. Org, 2012). Corrections and Politics Officials in the corrections facilities take political concerns into consideration. Politics can push release decisions from the parole board. The members of the parole board re vulnerable to pressure from the authority that chooses him or her. The members of the parole board almost unavoidably make the decisions to release an offender carefully. If a parolee commits a crime after he or she was paroled, the media will put the blame on the governor, and the rivals of the governor will use that against the governor in the next election (Dueling, 2012). Communication Challenges Communication is one of the biggest challenges facing leaders in criminal Just agencies. There are two communication barriers that affect communication within these agencies. The first barrier is the individual barriers. The individual barriers deal with how a person interprets what someone else says and the organizational barriers come from the culture of an organization. Each criminal Justice agency has one goal in mind, to protect the people. However, each agency has its own language of sorts when handling the tasks within the agency. The police departments, the court system, and corrections have different languages and not all agencies are familiar with each language. This is a challenge when the agencies must work together. This communication challenge also can be a problem for the public if the public does not know or understand what the agencies are discussing (Sinclair, 2012). Communication is vital to any agency, especially criminal Justice agencies. Every criminal Justice agency has a purpose to protect the people of the United States. Various agencies should hold a training session together to discuss the communication issues between the various agencies and train each agency on the different languages of each agency. These agencies need to work together, which cannot happen if there is a lack in communication (Sinclair, 2012). Budget Challenges Budget cuts occur across the nation and criminal Justice agencies are not exempt room budget cuts. Most criminal Justice agencies rely on local and state funding to operate and sometimes the state or local officials have to make drastic cuts to the budget because of the economy. Unfortunately, this causes a reduction in staff because the money Just is not there to pay the salaries. Budget cuts are probably the biggest challenges that criminal Justice leaders face because no one wants a reduction in police officers or correctional officers. The United States needs every man power it can get to combat the war on crime. The crime rate rises when departments are forced to scale back because of the budget. Offenders on parole or probation receive less supervision because the money is not there to supervise adequately each offender. Budget cuts affect each agency differently, but no agency wants the budget to be cut because managers believe the public cannot be adequately protected (Bryant, 2012). Unfortunately, budget cuts happen to the criminal Justice agencies whether the agencies want it or not. Along with these budget cuts come a reduction in staff. That is a huge blow to law enforcement agencies hired to serve and protect the people of the United States. Criminal Justice agencies discuss and are given a budget after each fiscal year. The budget covers salaries, overtime, and various expenses for the department. The different departments must figure out ways to deal with budget cuts properly to ensure no reduction to the current staff. Sticking to the budget and using the budget for things necessary is important. Having an agency leader make drastic changes to the agency just because he or she wants to, is not a good way to spend the budget (Bryant, 2012). Effective Team Challenges Most criminal Justice agencies work together as teams inside the different agencies. Teams are assembled to brainstorm and complete the tasks. For example, law enforcement agencies have specific teams to work certain cases. These team members must be able to work with each other so the team can be effective to solve the cases. Criminal Justice managers do not always have team members who can work together. Sometimes there is conflict within the team and the manager has to come up with a resolution if he or she wants this team to succeed. The team members must be compatible with each other to be effective. The responsibility lies on the criminal Justice managers to assemble the effective and compatible teams for the departments. He or she is faced with a challenge when conflict arises within that am, and he or she must figure out a solution, whether the solution is to remove one member of that team or design new teams (Collaborative Justice, 2012). Affecting Change for the Future The leaders in criminal Justice agencies face many challenges that he or she must deal with daily. The criminal Justice agencies must work together as a team instead of against each other to make the changes and embrace the changes. The future criminal Justice leaders will be confronted with bigger and more complicated before. Even though the challenges will be more complicated and acknowledged at a ore rapidly rate, the abilities these leaders must conquer will not change. How to cite Leading Group Challenges, Papers Leading Group Challenges Free Essays Leading Group Challenges There are several challenges of leading a working group in a criminal justice or private security organizations. The challenges can begin with something simple like the organizations goals, structure then move into the management of the human resources and the leadership of organization. Once these challenges have been worked through it will benefit the leaders of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Leading Group Challenges or any similar topic only for you Order Now The organization must have a goal. The group leader must make sure that the group knows the goal of the organization. The goal is what the organization is working to reach in the future. The organization wants to reach their goal. The goal needs to be emphasized and communicated in a clear manner for all of the employees to understand so they can reach the goal. The goals help to keep the employees focused, motivated and involved in the process of reaching the goal. It is important that the employees are used in the areas that best fit their talents, skills and experience to assist with the organization reaching their goal. Even though it is important for the employees to reach their individual goals but there needs to be steps in place so the individual goals actually benefit the organizations goals. The structure of the organization is determined by the economy within the departments of the organization. The structure also assists the organization on reaching the goal. The structure can have some parts that are considered weak. An example of a weakness was when parts of the structure such as open positions could cause more workload for other employee which is looked at as an overload, which would be looked at as a weakness. The human resource department has been labeled the area that handles the employee’s benefits, compensation, insurance and training for many years. Human resources are also responsible for finding the best person qualified to fill any open position that needs to be filled in the organization at all level. One of the main assignments of human resources is to make sure the organization has the right personnel for them to reach their goal. In a criminal justice organization, leadership is the most important part of the organization reaching their goal. The criminal justice organization will constantly have to be changing for a few reasons which are the laws are always changing and the technology is always changing so the criminals are changing. Another issue that is part of the criminal justice organization is the fact that politics are very involved in criminal justice organizations. On a personal level, I am currently working in a criminal justice organization. There is a certain level of command that must be followed and a certain way that policies must be followed to the letter. The leaders in the criminal justice organization make sure that they work closely with all of the leaders of the different departments in the organization. The communication is essential for all of the leaders to do their job and for the goal to reach by everyone involved in the criminal justice organization. Resources: Carter McNamara, M. P. (1997-2009). Human Resources Management. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from Free Management Library: http://managementhelp. org Javitch, D. (2009, 31 March). Leadership. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from Entrepreneur: http://www. entrepreneur. com/management/leadership Ph. D. , E. B. (2007, March). Leadership Styles and Leadership Change in Human and Community. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from BNET: http://jobfunctions. bnet. com How to cite Leading Group Challenges, Essay examples

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